--- title: "An Introduction to the GSDA Package" author: "xueyuan cao, PhD, Stan Pounds, PhD" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{An Introduction to the GSDA Package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r loadLibs, include = FALSE} #library(MASS) library(GSDA) #library(ggplot2) library(knitr) old<- options() data(target.aml.clin) data(target.aml.expr) data(kegg.ml.gsets) opts_chunk$set( comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE, digits = 3, tidy = FALSE, background = "#FFFF00", fig.align = 'center', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE ) options(width = 55, digits = 3) #theme_set(theme_bw()) getInfo <- function(what = "Suggests") { text <- packageDescription("GSDA")[what][[1]] text <- gsub("\n", ", ", text, fixed = TRUE) text <- gsub(">=", "$\\\\ge$", text, fixed = TRUE) eachPkg <- strsplit(text, ", ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] eachPkg <- gsub(",", "", eachPkg, fixed = TRUE) #out <- paste("\\\**", eachPkg[order(tolower(eachPkg))], "}", sep = "") #paste(out, collapse = ", ") length(eachPkg) } ``` The **GSDA** package (short for Gene-set Distance Analysis) contains functions to to carry out the gene-set distance analysis (GSDA) by generalizing distance correlations to evaluate the association of a gene set with categorical, quantitative, and censored event-time variables. **GSDA** loads packages as needed and assumes that they are installed. An example to run GSDA on target aml RNAseq with Chloroma status (categorical) with myeloid gene sets defined by kegg. ```{r Chloroma} chl.res=gsda(sqrt(target.aml.expr), target.aml.clin, kegg.ml.gsets, "Chloroma","oe","ct") chl.res ``` An example to run GSDA on target aml RNAseq with White blood counts (quantitative) with myeloid gene sets defined by kegg. ```{r logWBC} wbc.res=gsda(sqrt(target.aml.expr), target.aml.clin, kegg.ml.gsets, "logWBC","oe","oe") wbc.res ``` An example to run GSDA on target aml RNAseq with event free survival (efs, censored event-time) with myeloid gene sets defined by kegg. ```{r efs} efs.res=gsda(sqrt(target.aml.expr), target.aml.clin, kegg.ml.gsets, c("efs.time","efs.evnt"),"oe","st") efs.res options(old) ``` Install **GSDA** using ```{r install, eval = FALSE} devtools::install_github('xueyuancao/GSDA', dependencies = c("Depends", "Suggests")) ```